We all remember going to the dentist to get a cleaning and polishing. We lay back in the chair, while the dentist scrapes, suctions, sprays, and polishes. My favorite part (insert sarcasm here) is blocking off my throat with my tongue so flying debris doesn’t go down my esophagus. Some people have such aversions to this process that they would just rather polish their teeth at home. It is easy enough to buy dental polishing paste on Amazon.
But that isn’t all the dentist does. Doesn’t the paste clean your teeth? No. Let us discuss what professional dental polishing paste is and what it isn’t, by going over the characteristics of how dentists choose their pastes.
Any good dentist will tell you, cleaning is integral to teeth whitening.
Bil Watson, Brighter Image Lab Director
Stain Remover
The success of stain removal depends on a couple of factors. How deep is the stain? What is the grit of the dental tooth polishing paste? Fine: Fine pastes are great for surface stains. If the paste is fine, then then so are the scratches on your enamel. They are not abrasive enough to penetrate enough to get to deep stains, though.
Medium: Medium will get rid of more stains, but they will also leave bigger scratches than the fine paste.
Coarse: Coarse is exactly what it says: coarse. This means that it has the potential to injure the esthetic or damage the tooth structure.
Extra Coarse: Removes even more stains, but will leave a rougher tooth surface.
There are a plethora of flavors out there. For most adults, the favorite is mint. But there are also such flavors as cherry, bubble gum, raspberry, grape, orange, and cotton candy. The dental industry is not hurting for flavors.
Specialty Needs
Dentists and customers also look through dental polishing paste ingredients. We are finding out more and more that some people can be sensitive to certain ingredients, such as aspartame, gluten, fluoride, Xylitol, or saccharin. When this happens, the dentist orders a flavor, fluoride, gluten, and oil-free paste.
The Problem With Dental Polishing Paste
One thing people do not realize is that you need to have clean teeth before polishing them. When I say “clean teeth”, I do not mean that you brush your teeth. Brushing does not rid your teeth of any tartar or plaque.
But these are the problem areas that can cause harm to your teeth and health. Not only does dental tooth polishing paste scratch at the enamel and esthetic of your teeth, it can also cause harm to your gum line. It can cause your gums to recede, bleed, or expose the nerve. This can cause pain and discomfort.

What is the Alternative?
Brighter Image Lab created a Detox Cleaning Serum. The Detox Cleaning Serum is a proprietary serum that actually cleans your teeth. It dissolves the layers of bio-film, calculus, plaque, and tartar. If you were to try and polish your teeth without removing these layers, you would end up with shiny, yellow teeth. Used with the Bilistic Pro-Series Tooth Polisher, you would have a professional grade cleaning at your disposal.
Something unique about the serum is it’s concentration and lack of fillers. The serum can remove the tough calculus build-up. It helps strengthen and protect the tooth enamel against damage.
Another unique feature is that it fills the pores of your teeth to de-sensitize. Unlike pastes that only add a top layer. It also comes in mint flavor, the same as most toothpaste.

Professional dental polishing pastes do what they were made for: they polish teeth. But it does come at a cost. The possible cost could be the integrity of your enamel, gums, and even esthetic of your teeth.
Tooth polishing, if not done correctly can cause more problems than just scratches and further staining on your teeth. It can cause nerve exposure, bleeding gums, discomfort, and pain.
But if you are thinking that you can’t do it at home, you’re wrong. You just need something that can clean your teeth, as well as polish them. For that, I would recommend the Brighter Image Lab Detoxing Serum. This way you can clean and polish your teeth in the comfort of your own home, leaving you with that brilliant, smooth look and feel.