Want a Great Smile WITHOUT the Dentist? Clip On Veneers is the Answer!
A nice smile is a huge part of your appearance. Issues with your smile, on the other hand, can be a big source of insecurity, anxiety, and embarrassment.
People with a nice smile are also scientifically proven to be perceived by others to be more confident, happy and intelligent.
With so much riding on your smile, you’d think there would be more options than the overwhelmingly expensive and dreaded dentist office.
There actually are! One great answer is clip on veneers!

Clip On Teeth Veneers
Clip on veneers are a no-dentist solution to all kinds of dental imperfections: stained teeth, crooked teeth, even missing teeth! Clip on veneers are what they sound like they would be. They are dental veneers that clip right onto your existing teeth. They come in full arches to remain secure.
They don’t require any complex dental work like removing enamel, removing teeth, or intense dental cementing.
The only thing you need to do is to take a simple dental impression. You can actually do that from the comfort of your own home!
But there are lots of companies out there selling this. How can you know which clip on veneers are the best?
One company stands out among the rest. That company is Brighter Image Lab.

Brighter Image Lab Has The Best Clip On Veneers
Brighter Image Lab offers the best clip on veneers for many reasons. Clip on veneers from Brighter Image Lab are high-quality, affordable, dentist-free, and potentially life changing!
High-Quality Clip On Veneers
Due to their extensive research and development for over twenty years, Brighter Image Lab has created clip on veneers that outperform their competitors.
Clip on veneers from this lab are uniquely thin. This feature not only makes the comfortable and discrete, it also makes your speech normal and lisp-free.

Introducing IncrediBIL – The future of dental veneers
Each set of PressOn Veneers from Brighter Image Lab, is designed to the finest detail from talented smile designers. This process makes them fit snugly into place for optimal comfort.
While all Brighter Image Lab clip on teeth veneers are made from high-quality material, the IncrediBIL version is formed from a special material exclusively offered at Brighter Image Lab. This material reflects light in a way that impressively mimics the way light reflects on natural teeth.
Affordable Clip On Teeth Veneers
Brighter Image Lab veneers are also extremely affordable compared to traditional dental prices. Veneers in dental offices can cost $2,000 or more per tooth! Brighter Image Lab clip on veneers cost $795 and up but for entire arches!
The lab also offers 100% approval financing to help break up the cost. Clients can pay for their clip on veneers in installments as low as $24!
Order Clip On Veneers Online
As mentioned before, the creation of clip on veneers does not require a dentist! The impression needed to created clip on veneers is simple enough to be done at home.
This not only saves you from having to make an expensive dental appointment, you also don’t have to take off of work to get your bright, new smile!
Getting clip on veneers is never meant to keep you from having normal dental checkups. Simply covering up major dental issues with clip on veneers is not recommended.
Life-Changing Clip On Veneers Reviews

At Brighter Image Lab we have had the privilege of seeing the amazing impact our products have on people’s lives.
People who have grown up in low-income situations have often not had the dental care they needed. Their dental imperfections have held them back from being confident and feeling attractive. The imperfections also have affected the way others see them.
It’s amazing to see the impact of a new smile on someone who has struggled throughout his or her life. Those who have suffered with bad smiles, often have trained themselves to avoid smiling altogether. Their Brighter Image Lab clip on veneers allow them to smile for the first time in years!
You can watch a few of the best clip on reviews yourself:

Press On Veneers
Our classic, beautifully designed, 100% Digitally Processed, Removable Veneers.

Our Master Crafted Veneers. Redesigned from the ground up to be Thinner, More Detailed, and Stronger than ever before.

IncrediBil Veneers
The newest addition to our family of veneers features unique light reflecting properties.
How Much Are Clip On Veneers Elsewhere?
Clip on dental veneers cost different prices depending on where you get them. They typically range from $400 to $2,000.
Many on the lower end in price are also on the lower end in quality. It is suspected that many companies use a process called vacuum forming rather than designing each individual veneer arch. The vacuum forming process simply makes a copy of one’s existing teeth, including many imperfections.
A client’s smile may be covered, but crooked teeth will still be visible. The plastic is often thick – making it obvious that the individual is wearing the cheap clip on veneers that can even make him or her look comical.
$400 is too much to pay for a laughable smile.
On the higher end of the price scale, the $2,000 clip on veneers are often offered in dental offices. It costs a lot to maintain a dental office and patients bear the weight of that cost.
The most notable difference between an expensive, dentist office clip on veneer and one from Brighter Image Lab is that a dental hygienist will take your dental impression.
A dental impression is not an extremely complicated step, and Brighter Image Lab has directed clients on how to successfully do it for over twenty years.
An unnecessary $1,000 dental impression is quite expensive!

Final Thoughts On Clip On Veneers
Now that you have more information, you hopefully feel comfortable in your understanding of what the best clip on veneers are.
Don’t settle for clip on veneers that are low quality or ones that are not affordable. Stick with the brand that has over twenty years of experience fixing so many thousands of peoples’ smiles. View Brighter Image Lab products today to see and choose what is right for you! You can get a bright new clip-on smile soon!
Take the quiz below to see if you would be a good candidate for Brighter Image Lab clip on veneers.