Pageant Queen Gets Dazzling Smile With Incredibil Veneer

We Did Great But We Can Do Better

How long you been wearing these pageant veneers?

I’ve had these now for I’d say about maybe eight to ten weeks.

They look amazing!

Thank you I love them like.

It was shocking to me because they look real.


So I think you probably have heard that.


If you didn’t trust them you probably wouldn’t be using them to compete in. The reason why we’re here today is because I think we can do better.


You know I think they can.

Meet Jess Turunen: The Pageant Queen


Hey guys today we’re live in Las Vegas and we’re going to improve a pageant queen’s smile with dental veneers. I’ve never met her, she’s never met me but I think it’s going to be pretty impressive.

When I was little I knocked my two front teeth out, and they have been crooked ever since. I have been really self-conscious about them, and had always wanted them straightened but I guess I was always going be left with my small yellow teeth. So I’ve always been looking at doing something about it. Being a pageant girl especially being on stage and being self-conscious about my smile was a big thing for me, there’s obviously so many other things going on so to be thinking about your smile while you’re on stage is shattering. After a lot of research and I found Brighter Image Lab online and continued to study Brighter Image Lab for a long time before I actually proceeded.

Thank you so much for coming out to me!

Actually it was mutual, you came a long ways too. From understand you’re very busy?


You’re a mom, are you’re married?


Great guy?


Do your boys love their mom?


How old are your boys?

Six and four.

How Did You Find Us?

Oh cool, how’d you hear about us?

Um so I found Brighter Image Lab on Google, but I had been researching for a long time. There is a similar company in Australia but it does involve the dentist so it is very very expensive. So I had originally been looking into orthodontic work, but it would still mean that I’d still be stuck with the same shape teeth so that’s when I started looking into veneers. I don’t know about here but you know in Australia they are so expensive. For ten teeth across the top only no bottom teeth, $30,000. But I have virgin teeth so I was really apprehensive about shaving down my teeth, and obviously the cost came into the equation.

When I found out that you became a client of ours we sent you some veneers, we didn’t have any communication with you we just kind of did it one shot.


I don’t know what made you send us the letter back saying thank you for this design or whatever.

What A Difference Can A Smile Make For A Pageant?

Well because they’ve changed my life, I feel so much different in a good way.

Even though your smile would have been pageant perfect by most people.

Yeah exactly, people used to even say to me if I ever expressed you know the fact that I wanted to have my teeth fixed they’d say why there’s nothing wrong with your teeth. But it’s just obviously everyone has things that they’re self-conscious about.

As a compliment to me, I am really sitting here kind of way impressed.


Like just perfectly impressed! You know you look at your own work and you go oh God she’s going to be in a pageant. If I would have known I would have just put them up there you know. I don’t know do you wear them like that or you just wear them during a pageant?

Yeah no I wear them all the time. I have taken them off at home at times when I’ve been cleaning the house or whatever and gone to school pick up and realized halfway to school that I forgot them. I’ve turned around and gone home to get them.

I look at every veneer that goes out the door. When you see it plastered somewhere big then you go I wish I could have done this. Man if I would have just known I would have done two, you see what I’m saying.

Yeah yeah.

I had a little fit, like I mean why didn’t they tell me or why didn’t she mention that or something.

I’m sorry.

Well because you will do the best work and so I still didn’t know you but I’m like I would love for her to see this translucent white. Do you know what shade you went with?

Um this is number two.

Which is our natural shade. Because you know there’s an ultra white.

Yes I was scared of that one because I do wear them everyday.

Yes I always ask people please be afraid, because it’s only for people who can carry it. Would you change back to veneers ?

No way.

Were you disappointed?

No I wouldn’t.

I think from looking at them no one would ever know.

The Appearance Speaks For Itself

No and actually I was just saying that one of the other Pageant Queens, the Australian Pageant Queens is a dental nurse and she she actually couldn’t believe that they were not real veneers. She nearly died when I took them out. She was like wow I thought they were real what what just happened, so she’s really intrigued by them now.

You do know there’s always a possibility that these aren’t better than the last ones and I always tell everybody when I meet them for the first time there’s even a chance they may not fit.

Yes, No Worries.

I want to show you one thing.

I don’t know if I want to see this.

When people tell you your teeth weren’t bad, they really weren’t bad at all. Every day I have people who would love to have that smile, but they have some gaps and they were pointed. What you want to do is make your teeth a strong feature instead of a neutral or a negative.

Oh wow!

The other thing about these is these have a coating to where they’ll always look wet. Let’s try these on.

Sure. This is always the part I don’t like is taking these ones out.

Let me get these here.

Thank you that way you won’t mess those up.

They’re probably covered in lipstick. Thank you. Wow it is lighter I can feel it!

Difference In The Pageant Smile

If you can let me just see the difference with the one that’s in there now. Wow they look amazing, let me get a mirror for you. Let’s see what we look like. It’s like strictly a sleeve.


You see what I’m saying?

That’s so thin, it barely even feels like it’s in my mouth. Yeah so they feel a little tighter, that one feels fine.

Do they feel the same or thicker or less or just tighter?

The top one is a little bit tighter but no they still feel the same they’re amazing.

Giving the possibility they are the whitest natural tooth color you can see.


I don’t think they look fake white.


They just look extra white. Can you notice the gloss?

Yeah I like it.

Yeah it looks pretty cool, and so if you had two you’d basically have choices. I guess it would be like other things you’d have days you’d go hey I want these hey I want these.

They’re so amazing! I can’t get over the feeling they’re so thin. I can see the difference the translucent is beautiful.

Dentists Apprehensive To Shave Down Teeth

If any cosmetic said he would do them for free but he had to grind your teeth I don’t think you let him grind them.

No way no! I’ll admit even the dentist was apprehensive about it.

Tell me about it.

He didn’t want to do it. He literally said why do you want veneers your teeth are virgin? Why are we going to shave them down and he said you know that if we were to do this you’d be signing waivers because there are risks involved in this process?

Do you know how many people don’t get told that risk? A large amount of calls that come in every day say can you take these off? And I go no we can’t take them off. “Can you work around them? Can you work over them ?” They’re not your teeth anymore, you have to stay with what you’re doing. But no one told them. Um I will tell you that the makeup and all the things you do more than compliment the veneers, but it lets the veneers complement the makeup.

Yeah definitely!

Is The IncrediBil Pageant Worthy?

You had so much confidence in the first pair but what would be the difference now?

The feeling, these are just they’re not there, there nothing. It just feels like second to none.

Almost like it went lint?


But from what I understand, a lot of what you do comes down to one tenth of one point.

Oh yeah.

Not even a point. So one little bit makes a difference.


This is a little whiter, a little more chiseled, a little more detailed, but more reflective. Then I think I would make that choice if it was afforded to me.

You know I must say considering their whiter I actually feel like they look more natural, I love these. I would definitely purchase these.

If you knew in advance?


A Confidence Boost

They look so real like I’m seeing them now for the first time.

I honestly I can’t believe it.

We don’t ever like to get into a win or loss. We don’t think people should have to win a smile, so we don’t try to get into oh you can win as mile or win a pageant but we do think it’s pretty important that they have a chance and a choice. The biggest thing is we try to give them a choice.

Look I like to think of it this way that, I won my national finals without these but this gives me so much more confidence. It’s not about winning or losing with or without the teeth it’s about the confidence that I have when I walk on the stage. It’s about how I carry myself, how I hold a conversation and I’m not self-conscious about people looking at my mouth.

I guess what we can say is are we really getting close enough to be competitive with the doctor?


I think you’ll be an example for people who are sitting on the fence and I appreciate you choosing us.

Yes thank you!

To have a brand that someone can say I can make any choice, because if we were a bad choice you would have made another one.You would have went to someone else.

That’s right!

I get to see them. Do you need to see them again?

Yes I love them! I’m super impressed!

Every time you see that it rebuilds your confidence.

Perfecting A Smile Worthy Of A Pageant Queen

Yeah literally I was like I said I was scared of how white they were going to be, but I actually love them.

I can’t imagine anybody doing a better job. I’m feeling weird saying it because I did it, but the design is perfect. Nothing is too big, everything works.

They feel great!

I think you can see that it was a good find for me to pick you. I had to put these on somebody it was worth the day for us to come say let’s catch her on this side of the water.

Thank you.

Because we want to introduce them on the other side, yes you’re going into competition that starts literally hours like it’s just a few hours away.The the big thing is I think people are going to want to ask you somethings, so you’ll get some feedback on social media. They’re just going to work and we are going to link you below so with that we’re going to wrap it up and I’ll say thank you more than you know.

Thank you so much!

I always do this to end my videos I’ll see you soon thank you. Bye guys.

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Press On Veneers

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Our Master Crafted Veneers. Redesigned from the ground up to be Thinner, More Detailed, and Stronger than ever before.

$ 995

IncrediBil Veneers

The newest addition to our family of veneers features unique light reflecting properties.

$ 1,495

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Behind The Scenes footage of Bil with 2 Brighter Image clients
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          How Does This Work?

          Brighter Image Lab provides life-changing smile makeovers to thousands of clients every year.

          We also partner with a non-profit named New Life Smile who matches people like you, with public and private funding sources to hopefully cover a portion (if not ALL) of your smile makeover costs. We’re ready to help right now!

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