Your smile shouldn’t be something that you have to be afraid of you shouldn’t want cover your teeth when you smile. Your smile shouldn’t be something that you have to be afraid of you shouldn’t want cover your teeth when you smile.
Before I get started, I want to tell you it’s not always your smile. It is important to act on anything you think will make a positive change in your life. If it’s not your smile, act on whatever it is that you feel will make you more yourself. Some people have their hair and nails done or get new clothes, and some people already have everything they need to be who they want to be.
I’m going to show you four people who took action to make a change in their their appearance, self-esteem and self-confidence. I am so humbled to be a part of their smile transformations. I’m proud that not one of them went into debt, none of them paid thousands to a cosmetic dentist office and all of them took action.
Why is it Important to Make a Change?
It is important to make a change because light attracts light. I want you to see this light in all the other pictures I’m going to show you.
I want you to look at the after pictures and see the energy. I want you to realize the only difference between the before and the after is that someone took action. Someone used good energy to become the best person they could possibly be.
I could not be more impressed with what I see when I see the energy of a new smile make a change in people’s lives. I always say that smile is the number one thing we do to get people to see us differently. When our clients see these people seeing them differently, they become a different person. They gain so much confidence when they see their new smile.
I’ve seen so many people put on a Bil Veneer, get their make makeup done and their hair fixed and colored, and stand there afraid to death of what’s going to happen when they leave my office.
I’ve seen the same situation where they get so caught up on how many good glances they’re getting, how many good looks, long stares, and actual smile returns they get with their Bil Veneer. The magic of this is that when they give a smile, they almost always get one back in return.
When they give that smile that wasn’t possible before, and when they start seeing people’s reactions, their confidence grows. They are being seen differently and they’re being treated differently. Their newfound light attracts light and they’re rewarded for taking action and making a change. I hope you can see that it’s the most important message I have today.
Brandi’s Smile

The first smile belongs to a girl named Brandi. Brandi’s case was pretty important to me, and the reason being is she had a smile that had a diastema, discoloring and a gap. Her teeth were kind of protruded.

Brandi took action and she’s got a smile that she’s not going to be afraid to show again. When you’re 26, 28, 30 years old, and you’ve put off that decision for so long, there has to come a time where you decide it’s okay to feel better and to take action.
I’m just super impressed with Brandi’s results and her willingness to make a change in her life. I can’t thank her enough for sending me these pictures.
Marquin’s Smile
The second smile I saw was from a man named Marquin. Marquin’s smile a challenge for him. Every job interview, every personal introduction, every first appearance was more difficult because of his smile.

It took people getting to know him before they saw who he was behind his smile. Marquin had a smile that was truly holding back and greatly affected his appearance. We had to design his Bil Veneer over a very challenging smile, but we were able to give him amazing results. Now, Marquin has a smile he can be proud to show the world.

I wish we could do what we did for Marquin for more people. I wish more people knew that there are more choices that can get them the results we got for this guy. This young man is going to be looked at differently in every conversation he goes into. It would have been a shame for him to have to hide his smile at important events like pictures, presentations, or interviews. I’m so impressed with what I believe his opportunities will be now that he has an approachable smile.
I can’t tell you enough about how I appreciate the fact that something got him to me. I’m thankful he had the intent to take action and make a change in his life. You can see his full smile transformation in the pictures below.
Kimberly’s Smile
The third smile we transformed was for a woman named Kimberly. Kimberly’s smile was challenging because she was missing teeth. When you’re missing teeth, even if your other teeth are fine, it creates challenges for your existing bite.

When Kimberly showed me her smile and asked what we could do for her, I told her if she would work with us, we would get her a smile that she could be proud of. I would try to bring some of the squareness of her teeth to make it fit her face.
I was incredibly impressed with Kimberly’s pictures and her ability to take action and make a change in her life. Take a look below and see her amazing results!

Hendrick’s Smile
The fourth smile we designed was for a man names Hendrick. When Hendrick came to me, I didn’t know I was dealing with a set of teeth that could be made attractive without being moved. I really think the number one mistake that dentists make in this country is they don’t offer people with a bad smile the ability to contour some of their existing teeth so that they can have access to a better or greater or more complemented design that fits their face.
I was so incredibly amazed that we were able to get Hendrick a design that fit his face and a color that matched his skin tone.

Hendrick’s smile is never going to be perceived negatively again. His Bil Veneers are going to be a positive point in every conversation he goes into. His bottom teeth were fine, which made his smile transformation still so much easier. We contoured his teeth little by little to form the perfect smile and created the illusion of one with the right shading and the right definitions in the right places. All of these features give Hendrick the appearance of a $20,000 porcelain veneer makeover. Every detail ensures that anyone who looks at his smile will see perfectly executed dental veneers.
It’s all about the way that we treat people – the way we see them. When we see people differently, it allows us to treat them differently, and they feel that. Over a period of time, it makes a change. It changes how they feel about themselves and the responses they get from others.
It means everything that we do what we do. The way we are able to make a change in the way people are perceived, the way they perceive others, and the way the perceive themselves.
A smile’s not a luxury, I tell people that every day. What I’m trying to tell you this week is, Hendrick was able to make a small change that made a big difference. I’m so thankful he was able to make that change in his life. I think his new smile will be a long-term investment in himself that will continuously pay off. See his results in the pictures below!
I’m going to close this blog with the case that hit home for me. Many of the people I work with remind me of who I would have been if I hadn’t been in this business.
I had a bad smile that held me back. My teeth were crooked, long, jaded, and they weren’t contoured. I don’t know what I would have done if I hadn’t met the people along the way that steered me in the right direction. I would have probably been just like this guy, trying to work with an undesirable smile. I wouldn’t have known any better.
I’m so glad that somebody said hey there’s something you can do, because when I look at what we did on his top teeth, his color, the way we filled out his existing smile and then look what that did for his overall confidence.
I hope this week’s blog taught you that life rewards action. The smile recipients we discussed were rewarded with self-confidence, self-esteem and an enhanced appearance.
If you have something that you want to improve, and you have a chance to take action, take it. If your smile is bad, we’re a good choice for you. If your smile’s good and you don’t need it, then act on something else you’re missing. If something’s causing you to stand back, or something’s causing you to stand down, make a change. Act on the things that will make a change in your life. Whether it’s weight, hair loss, skin tone or eye color, be brave enough to take action and make a change.
Don’t be afraid to smile and take action. The number one thing you can do to improve yourself and change your position in life, is to take action.

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