A cosmetic dentist wanted over $20 thousand dollars and to drill down her already amazing teeth to give this pageant contestant veneers, but she said NO! Instead, when Monica Aguilar, 2019 Miss Intercontinental Runner Up, decided to get a perfect pageant smile with dental veneers, she reached out to BIL. We believe that healthy teeth should NOT need drilling.
Monica’s Story
Monica competes in pageantry and models for a living, so looks are important in her everyday life. When she came to us, her smile was the one thing the one thing about her appearance that was holding her back.
In her interview, Monica explained that most things about her looks could easily be changed with store-bought cosmetics. If she was unhappy with her body, she could diet. If she didn’t like her hair, she could get extensions. She could wear fake nails, eyelashes and makeup every day if she wanted, but it would never cover her smile.
Monica tried teeth whitening about a year before she came to us. She paid $600 for in-office whitening and was able to see her teeth at their whitest. Unfortunately, this only lasted about three weeks. After three weeks of white teeth, Monica watched as her pearly whites reverted back to their yellowed shade and her $600 went out the window. She admitted it was hard on her self-esteem to see something she had wanted for so long come and go in such a short time.
I believe there are so many things that people use to prove themselves that aren’t permanent or damaging. There are people who do nails, lashes, makeup and all sorts of hair extensions. They do everything that’s cosmetic, but at the end of the day, they get to go back to being themselves.

With dentistry, it’s all in or nothing at all. You either get whitening for $600 that lasts you three weeks, or you get veneers for the price of a new car that have to be replaced once every decade. Some dentists take a girl 16 or 18 or 24, whose life hasn’t even started yet, and make permanent decisions that affect the rest of her life.
We have many critics. People say, “Oh, you shouldn’t help that person cover their smile. They really need this, and they need that.” You know what I think? I think if we can help you cover their smile today, maybe tomorrow they get a job and next month they get insurance, and the next thing now, they’re back in to see a dentist.
If everybody had to start with the Mercedes, we wouldn’t have a car industry. There has to be affordable options for everyone. It can’t just be all or nothing anymore.
Monica’s Smile
Every once while we get a smile that we want to try to improve, and we think if we can improve that one smile, we can literally change the benchmark with cosmetics today.

When I met Monica, I met her on paper. We never met each other before the day I transformed her smile, but when I looked at Monica’s photos, I knew I wanted to help her.
While Monica was happy with the shape of her teeth, she struggled daily with the shade of her smile. No matter how much she brushed or how many teeth whitening treatments she tried, Monica was never able to get the shade she wanted. She often found herself smiling with her mouth closed because she wanted to hide her yellowed teeth.
Monica desperately wanted a pageant-worthy smile, but permanent veneers weren’t an option.
Why Permanent Veneers Weren’t an Option for a Pageant Smile
Monica didn’t want to get permanent veneers because they’re a long-term health hazard. She explained: “I am actually a pre-med student I’d like to go into the medical field and that’s something that completely drew me away from getting permanent veneers. Your teeth are part of your skeletal system. Why would you want to permanently damage part of your skeletal system?” This is a great point. Altering a part of your body has consequences.
I’ve seen many people with porcelain veneers, and the worst part isn’t the grinding or the procedures. Even if everything goes perfect, you have to worry about micro leakage. This means you don’t know what’s going on behind your teeth.
Veneers require grinding and micro leakage can damage teeth. Many people don’t understand how to manage those permanent veneers, and the shading’s not always consistent because it’s not always made out of the same material.
Monica’s PressOn Pageant Smile
99% of the people in the world would love to have a new smile, but what got us started on this thing was the one percent. We started this business for the people who need a solution that’s affordable, who are deeply affected by the downsides and discrimination that come with a poor smile. When you need something, something that’s going to improve your quality of life, then you’ll fly all the way from Florida like Monica did for her pageant smile.

The second Monica snapped on her removable veneers, her baby smile was gone. She said, “I always felt like I had little tiny teeth, and when I would go get my whitening for some reason, they would kind of shave my teeth down. I remember over time seeing a different shape across the line of my teeth. I was never happy with it so I feel like this kind of gave me back what they shaved off.” After years of searching, she had finally found her perfect pageant smile.
Even with her new pageant smile snapped in, Monica hesitated to fully smile. She had been hiding her smile for so long, she had to adjust to showing it off. “I find myself doing closed mouth smiles just because I was self-conscious about my smile, the color of my teeth and the size of them.”
Before PressOn Veneers, Monica’s smile was a bit small. It didn’t feel like it competed with the rest of her face. Now, Monica’s smile is very powerful. We took some chances to make her smile fuller I’m hoping you see that her smile fits her face more.
When considering removable veneers, Monica’s main concern was the lines between each tooth. She was afraid the veneers would look like one big piece rather than individual teeth. When she looked at the detail of her pageant smile, she was blown away: “It’s so realistic. It looks amazing. They have real definition, they’re not just a drawn line!”

PressOn Veneers are truly chiseled into the contour of the tooth, so it reflects the light. When Monica steps on stage, that light’s not going one direction, it’s going all directions. The light is going to reflect off her pageant smile and stun every single judge.
If you open up a seashell, it reflects different ways. We design our veneers so that it catches the gloss and captures the attention and stands out. It’s really sad that people who look for this gloss go to extreme measures like shaving their teeth down for veneers, but anyone can achieve this look with PressOn Veneers without any alteration to the natural teeth.
We knocked Monica’s smile out of the ballpark. “It looks so good I’m obsessed I’m so obsessed I feel like I’m just going to be smiling in the mirror all the time now!” Monica’s smile transformation exceeded my expectations.
A smile is the best accessory that anyone can possibly wear, and I think everybody should be able to open their mouth and show an amazing smile. When Monica came to us, she needed a smile solution that didn’t alter her natural teeth. Her PressOn Veneers pop on and off, so Monica can still be the same girl she’s always been. We didn’t change anything about her, we just gave her a cover for her teeth.
With PressOn Veneers, Monica found the pageant smile she was looking for. Monica has a high standard. She competes at a high level. She has trainers, goes on diets and does fitness. She needed a perfect pageant smile. She needed a smile that any judge could look at from two, three feet away and say, “Wow!” Monica’s smile transformation is amazing. I hope Monica’s results are worth her flight
Do You Need a Smile Makeover? Enter to Win
We have already selected 8 winners to receive a FREE smile makeover! That means we still have 14 smiles still left to give and we’re still accepting entries!
If you haven’t had a chance to enter yet you must complete the following:
1. Subscribe to Brighter Image Lab’s YouTube channel2. Go watch this video3. Complete submission form & upload photos HERE
25 people will receive a set of veneers FREE OF CHARGE! It’s time to take back your life and end 2020 on a high note! We don’t do this often so make sure to apply while you can! We hope that you join us in changing smiles and changing lives this holiday season!

Press On Veneers
Our classic, beautifully designed, 100% Digitally Processed, Removable Veneers.

Our Master Crafted Veneers. Redesigned from the ground up to be Thinner, More Detailed, and Stronger than ever before.

IncrediBil Veneers
The newest addition to our family of veneers features unique light reflecting properties.