Order: Received(*)* | We have received your order and will process your payment shortly. |
Order: System Shipping Queue | Your Impression System is in queue to be shipped. |
Order: System Shipped | Your Impression System has been shipped. Please check your email / account for tracking information. |
Payment: Balance Processing | A payment is being processed and cannot yet be verified. Once we have received this payment, your order will continue through the process. |
Order: Payment Declined | The payment method you provided when placing your order has declined. Please contact us to provide alternative payment. Your order details will be held for up to 48 and will then be discarded. |
Order: Cancelled | Your order has been cancelled. To Re-order, please visit brighterimagelab.com or call 888-257-2455 |
Processing: Impressions Received** | We've received your impressions and are working to determine if they are suitable for use. |
Processing: Scan Queue | Your case is being scanned into a 3D digital model for our designers. |
Processing: Design Queue Stage 1 | Your case is being designed in 3D CAD/CAM software by our designers. |
Processing: Render Queue | Your case is being converted between digital file-types so it can be processed by our 3D manufacturing equipment. |
Processing: Modeling Queue | Your Veneer(s) are being processed by our advanced digital machining equipment. |
Processing: Detail Queue | Your Veneer(s) are being detailed by our lab. |
Processing: Polish Queue | Your Veneer(s) are being polished by our lab. |
Processing: Quality Control - Stage 1 | Your case is entering the first round of quality control. Qualified members of our team are reviewing your case for any possible areas of improvement. |
Processing: Quality Control - Stage 2 | Your case is in line to be reviewed in detail by multiple staff members. This stage can often take the longest as we are making determinations as to whether there are any possible improvements to be made. During this stage your Veneer(s) may be refit, retouched, re-polished, redesigned, or any combination thereof. |
Processing: Case Consult Requested | Your case requires additional input and correspondence between departments. |
Product: Item Shipping Queue | Your finished product(s) have been approved for release and sent to our shipping department for processing. |
Product: Item Shipped | Your Veneers have been shipped and you should receive tracking information via email and/or on your account information page. |
Product: Veneers Closed | Your case is considered complete.Your case is considered complete. |
Closed: Order Complete* | Your order is complete. |
Hold: Pre-Order in Queue* | You have pre-ordered an item. Your order will remain in this status until the item is available for shipment. |
Hold: Case Not In Compliance | Clients are accepted based on willingness to agree to our Terms & Conditions. Your case has been flagged for failure to adhere to those Terms. Work cannot proceed until your case is in compliance. |
Hold: Payment Pending** | There's been a problem processing one of your payments. Your case is being held pending this payment. Please contact us to resolve the issue. |
Hold: Wire Transfer Pending** | Our office is awaiting a wire transfer for one of your payments. Your case is being held pending this payment. |
Hold: Refund Requested | You've chosen to request a refund, and Customer Service can no longer access your case. |
Return: Adjustment Requested | We've received your request to start the Return For Adjustment (RFA) process. Please watch for the RFA email and respond with the requested information. |
Return Envelope Shipping Queue | You are in line to receive a return shipping label. |
Return: Label Sent | You've been sent an return shipping label and we are waiting to receive your returned product(s). |
Return: Item Received | We have received the item(s) returned to us. |
Redo: System Shipping Queue | A new Impression System will be shipped to you shortly. |
Redo: System Shipped | Your new Impression System is on its way. Please check your email or account for tracking information. |
Bil wants to send you more behind the scenes footage of clients receiving their veneers for the first time.
Let us send it to your inbox now!
Brighter Image Lab
2433 South University Drive
Fort Worth
United States
If you are an existing client and need to upload photos to your account, click this button.
You may also qualify for discounts or other special offers.
Select the station you heard us on below to enter to win a FREE Smile Makeover!
Select the station you heard us on below to enter to win a FREE Smile Makeover!
Brighter Image Lab provides life-changing smile makeovers to thousands of clients every year.
We also partner with a non-profit named New Life Smile who matches people like you, with public and private funding sources to hopefully cover a portion (if not ALL) of your smile makeover costs. We’re ready to help right now!
We’ve already given away free smiles to people in your area and we’re ready to do a lot more!