25 Breathtaking Before and After Smile Makeovers

Before and After Smile Makeovers by Brighter Image Lab

Watch this video and see some before and after smile makeovers to learn just how Brighter Image Lab gives you a choice besides Invisalign, braces, or clear aligners.

Before and After Smile Makeovers without Invisalign

Hi everyone! On this week’s VLOG, we want to talk to everyone who’s considering Invisalign, Braces, or clear aligners, because we get so many calls every day from people who think they don’t have a choice.

Bil’s been sick for like the last 20 days. We pushed him to do this one. Plus, we’ve been putting together our new studio, and you’ll be seeing it in future videos. But for now, we wanted to talk to you about our clients who chose us over Invisalign, braces, or clear aligners.

If you’re online and you’re looking for Invisalign, clear aligners, or regular braces, I want you to know that you have a choice. That’s my rant for this week: Is you should have a choice. I want you to know about BilVeneers from BrighterImageLab.com.

before and after smile makeovers

You Don’t Need Braces to Get Before and After Smile Makeovers

We actually do before and after smile makeovers without going through braces. We’re smile designers, all we do is design smiles for people who want to change their smile. Now, I want you to know that I can give you incredible before and after smile makeovers in 14 days. And I think I’ll show you that these people are people are just like you.

I want to prove it. Let me show you this young lady right here. Very impressive lady came to me and said listen I have something that’s bothering me. We took her smile, she had some gaps, we fixed it.

It was immediate, we were able to help her  with a new set of removable dental veneers. I designed this smile and delivered it and changed her life.

More Before and After Smile Makeovers

I want to show you some more before and after smile makeovers This is a lady who came to me and consistently negotiated with me all the way through as to what she thought she would end up with. We were able to take her from crowded teeth and misaligned teeth and teeth that were misshaped.

I don’t think you’ll see that she’ll ever have a day where she’s embarrassed to smile. I was proud of these before and after smile makeovers. We did it for her, and I think you’ll see that we can do it for you.

Everybody that we know that has nice, nice teeth got that way because somebody that they know – friends, family member, parents, something, helped them get that smile, and it happened to them at a time that they could afford the time to get their teeth straightened.

And nobody helped you, nobody helped me. So I get it. You’re here on your own, figuring out what you can do on your own dime.

Another Set of Before and After Smile Makeovers

Here’s more before and after smile makeovers I’m extremely proud of. This lady came to me and said she had been through it with her kids, but she couldn’t afford it for herself. She has gapped teeth and she had misaligned teeth and they were crooked, and they were misshaped.

So when I actually took on this case, she was looking at adult braces and knew automatically that all it’s going to do is eliminate 1 of 10 problems. What difference is it to have straight teeth if your teeth are still not contoured? If they’re still misshaped?

This was her result, and I think you’ll see this is one of the first selfies that she said she never took. This is her actually working with her sister. This is her sending me on the ride home.

The results would have been 20-30 thousand dollars and taken two to three years out of her life to do it.

Thirty Something Before and After Smile Makeovers

This is a lady that’s in her 30 that’s moving on. If you’re like her You want your life to start now, and nothing is ever more important than time. Guys, we need to get you in something that will actually change your smile, improve your appearance and do more than what you could have done with just braces.

The reason why people don’t improve their smile is because the dentist makes it too damn expensive. Every smile that I’m going to show you would have been quoted at a dentist office at $5,000, $10,000, $20,000 without a doubt.

96% of the people who go online to improve their smile never sit in a dental chair. They eventually say, “Whoa, I can’t afford it. I don’t have dental insurance; I don’t have 2 and a half years. I don’t want to have teeth pulled, I just wanted something that could improve my smile.

Do Something Now!

And if you’re like them, you want to do something now. You’re where you need to be. Forget sitting in a dental chair, you’re sitting in the only chair you need right now to make the decision to improve your smile that will have an effect on your life 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 12, 15 years from now.

It’s affordable, it’s reversible, and the results are absolutely the same.

This is a guy, an international client, had gapped teeth, didn’t want to go through the dentist. His teeth just look amazing, and he didn’t have to wear braces and he didn’t have to wear aligners.

Perfect for Weddings

Here’s a lady that came to me in wedding season. She came to me before she could get married and said listen I have gapped teeth and no orthodontist in the country will touch me. She’s getting her life started with a wedding that her dad’s helping her pay for.

She’d just found out in time to come see me. I’m so glad she did I think you’ll see with her results. I have a link of a video that she did for me below and I’ll show it to you. It was life changing what we did for her and we did it in a couple of weeks.

Before and After Smile Makeovers with No Dentist Visit

Here’s another lady that came to me with almost no money. Didn’t even… Never been to a dentist. Said she knew she couldn’t afford it. Not only did she have misaligned teeth, they were protruded, they came too far out.

Long story short, this lady wasn’t going to the dentist and she wasn’t going to wait 2 and a half years. I took her on as a client and I’m glad that I did and I think you’ll see her results were instant and immediate and me and her are friends today.

Here’s a lady that came to me after 6 months of doing her research. She has a slight discoloration and her teeth are just moderately misshaped. And here’s her picture with them on. Here’s her picture with her husband. There’s a reason why I’m showing you this picture.

Instead of spending $10,000 or $20,000 with her dentist, she just went with BilVeneers. And 2 hours after sending us this video, in the same dress, she’s on the beach in Cabo. And I’d like to think that some of the money she was going to give to the doctor went to improving her life.

It’s one thing to say if I had a nicer smile, I’d have a better life. It’s another thing to see that not only when I get a nicer smile, I’m going to spend the money on a better life. And to see it!

Something’s Wrong or Something’s Happened

Most people who I talk to, something is wrong or something has happened in their life to where they want to make an improvement because they want to make a change. The only thing about a change is you’ve got to have a choice. If not, everything stays the same.

At Brighter Image Lab, the one thing you’ll remember from me is they gave me a choice.

Here’s another case. I’m real proud of him. He came to me and said, “Man, I need some braces.” And I said, “Man what are you working with?” And he showed me what he was working with, but he had missing teeth and they were misaligned. Braces were never going to help him.

And I said, “What’s your urgency, what’s changed in your life, what’s wrong?” He said, “Well I’ve met a girl online and I don’t want her to know my teeth are bad.” We did a very good job for him in the time that it took for him to move forward with his life, and obviously the results worked because I think you can tell they’re both pretty happy.

Before and After Smile Makeovers for International Clients

Here’s another international client that I was very, very, very impressed with. I didn’t know what I was taking on when I took it because I was concerned about how these teeth got as crooked and misshaped as they were. Come to find out that she was a cancer patient and I think you can tell from her pictures that she needed some help with something.

I didn’t know she was as strong as she was. When I got her after pictures, I think you’ll agree that I was able to design her a smile that gave her a chance to move forward in life and that with a little make-up and hair color, she did it all under $1,000. And I am am very, very, very impressed that I was able to work with that client.

Another international client, this one came to me all the way from Italy. Now they’re misshaped a little bit and my friends and family, I want them to know me now with an amazing smile. Is there anything you can do to save me?

And I was just incredibly impressed, all the way form Italy, that I got these pictures just shortly thereafter. If I can do it for someone in Italy, I’m thinking that you’re probably going to be a little closer.

It’s Never too Late for Before and After Smile Makeovers

Here’s an older lady that I think something of. She’s mature. She’s probably my age to be honest with you but she didn’t look it at the time. We told her we can make you look younger.

She had missing teeth and they were crooked. I was able to change her smile immediately and automatically I think you’d think she looks younger and her smile looks amazing.

Here’s another international lady that came to me all the way from Israel. She said the doctors here won’t work with me because my teeth aren’t shaped properly and my teeth up front are missing. I have a really, really, really large smile.

When I smile all my teeth show and I drink a lot of coffee. Is there something you can do? I have heard that you can help me. She worked with me all the way from Israel. This is her before, this is her after. And I think you can see there was no braces.

Another international client from New Zealand. I was real happy to work with her. She came to me and said, “Listen, we have more sheep than we do people, but I deserve the same smile that other people have. Two weeks later she’s sending me a picture saying here’s my afters.

I’ve been pleased to work with her, very impressive client. What I do like about her is she wasn’t going to let anything hold her back and she was on her own.

A New Smile for a Friend, Family Member, or Loved One

This young lady, I’m incredibly impressed with. Her grandmother called me and said I have a young lady that lives with me. She’s my granddaughter and I need to get her a smile that doesn’t make her look like she has neglected her smile.

They actually pulled two of her teeth to get her into braces. Now they can’t afford the implant.

I told her grandmother I believe we can help her. This is a very, very charismatic young lady and I think that she smiles all the time. her pictures are super contagious and we did it for her and I think you’ll see that she was real glad with her results.

This next one I want to tell you is almost a similar picture. She has obviously really bright white teeth and really good bone structure and everything about her says “man, my smile should be perfect.” She just has a little bit of gap and her smile is real wide.

I was able to take her smile in a couple of weeks and re-design it. I’m real pleased that we worked with her.

I keep bringing up international clients because they keep coming to me. When they travel 3,000, 5,000, 10,000 miles where they push a button and send their money all the way across the planet, it’s because they know I can do something for them that their doctor’s not willing to do.

Press On Veneers are Perfect for Models

This was a young man that is actually a model, and his wife is a model too. She wasn’t a client, but he was. He asked to become our client and I’m incredibly impressed. There’s his before, there’s his after. And that’s all the way from Australia again.

Guys, this technology is so sophisticated that people from all around the world want to come to us to change their smile instantly.

BilVeneers are Perfect for Discolored or Misshapen Teeth

This young lady came to us all the way from Hong Kong. Said I want to get a BilVeneer for my smile. My teeth are discolored and they’re misshaped. Even if they straightened her teeth it doesn’t mean they’re going to make them white enough.

It doesn’t mean they’re going to be contoured enough. It doesn’t mean that they are going to be perfectly shaped. This was the smile that we got started with and this is the smile that we finished with. All the way from Hong Kong. She got it done in 14 days. Delivered to her door in less than 21 days.

This little girl came to me because she had been bullied. And I’m not going to get into the bullying, but she asked if I could help her. Within one week later, I gave her a smile that fit her and whatever we did it worked. Because I got her before and afters and I think you’ll agree.

Your Smile Completes Your Look

Guys, this young lady, she didn’t want to start college with teeth that had gaps and spaces in them. We did this. A couple weeks later she had a beautiful smile. Now she tells me it’s her #1 feature. People love her smile and love her eyes and I agree with it.

Here’s a lady that came to me all the way from Russia. And I don’t mean it bad, but Russia is a long way to improve your smile. She does music videos, she’s acting, she’s got a singing career.

I was real pleased to work with her.

She came to me as part of – as a guest appearance on a show we did. I think it was the talk show “The Doctors“. I’ll link the video below. We actually got her a new smile and I think you’ll see the results are pretty amazing. 24 hours later we were on the talk show.

Now You Have a Choice

Guys, I think you’re seeing that there’s some choices out there.

This lady came to me and she was out of San Fransisco. Obviously you’ll see, the next couple of smiles, we were able to bring her smile from being too narrow to bringing it straight out. Gave her a shade that she was looking for.

Now she’s a model that expresses her art through her beauty, not just her art being beautiful. And I really have been fortunate to know this person over the last couple of years.

Here’s a guy that came to me with the same attitude. He said, “Man, I’m not giving anybody $10,000, is there anything you can do for me?” I took a bad smile that was discolored and misshaped, and I was able to build over it and give him a new smile.

What I like about this, what’s fun to me about this smile is that the very next picture that I got from them, they took the money that they didn’t spend at a cosmetic dentist office, and they went on a trip. And so, this is a picture of that smile.

A Lifetime of Smiling Left

This lady came to me, she’s not more than 100 miles away. She’s 20… probably 26 years old at the time. She had staining and misshaped teeth in the front. I told her I think I can, but she’s got to work with me, and she worked with me, and this is her original smile.

This is her putting on the smile. This is us actually trying it on for the very first time seeing her smile with her new smile. And this is her wearing it. I think you can see the end result was absolutely amazing. She got the effect of dental veneers and she got to avoid the cost of a cosmetic dentist.

The good thing is now she has a choice and now you have one too. All these people have a choice.

We Do What the Dentist Won’t

This young lady came to me from San Diego. She was in braces, they pulled her teeth, they gave her implants, and the implants were discolored .and they didn’t actually accept. they weren’t accepted by her body.

We built her out a new smile and this was the smile that we made her. We were able to do it in spite of what the doctor didn’t do for her. Regardless of the money that her parents had already spent for her, they didn’t have any more money to fix it.

She had to do something that was affordable now. She was getting ready to get married. We took a chance; the results were amazing. This is her wearing her smile. This is us within an hour and a half of meeting her for the first time, outside smiling in public for the first time.

It’s a picture that I’m very, very proud of. I did it for her and I can do it for you. I can show you people after people after people. Clients come to us all the time after they get out of braces and say I can’t afford the cosmetic dentistry. They don’t look like I thought they were going to look, is there something you can do for me?

Graduating with a New Smile

This is a lady named Brittany. Her teeth never really fully developed and so she’s stuck with gaps in her teeth. Regardless of how many years she spent in braces and whatever she did, now she’s stuck as a senior. As a senior getting ready to go forward.

If you’d met this young lady, she was just a very charismatic person and she needed her smile in order to be her. This is her smile before. Here is her smile after. That is a smile that was taken for her senior pictures 2 hours after I met her.

This is another picture that was taken in that setting. And with that, this is one she sent me this winter time. Absolutely beautiful, amazing, incredible person I wish they made more people like her. She’s truly going to be a game changer I will be looking for her in the future on the news.

I’m telling you she’s going to be a game changer. I was proud of what we did for her and I was able to work with her top and bottom. We do full before and after smile makeovers.

She went online and selected me out and said this is something I’m going to do for myself. I’m going to work, I’m going to save money, I’m going to do whatever I have to do. We worked with her to get it done.

A New Smile without New Debt

This is one that started with me probably 2 years ago. Came to me and said, “I have to have a new smile but I cannot put the debt on my family.” I get these pictures and she asks if I can improve her smile. She has metal crowns from when she was a kid and went to the dentist and they crowned her teeth.

She wanted to fix that for college and she wanted to fix the staining. This is the very first picture she gave me with a selfie and I was real pleased with it and I think she was amazed. One year later she sends me another picture. She’s developing herself. In medical school, she sends me this picture of wearing her smile every day.

She’s happy, she’s not worried about life, and she doesn’t owe anybody any money. And nobody that she knows knows that her teeth aren’t absolutely done by a cosmetic dentist.

Smiling from Hawaii

Guys, I’m going to close with one last guy out of Hawaii. His name is Doug. His girlfriend called me and said, “We’re a happy family but he doesn’t smile.” He actually works in the medical field.

He works in radiology, so he hides his smile every day behind a mask.

Guys, I think you can tell that’s not a way to live a life, that’s not a choice.

He’s somewhere in his 30’s and he just needed a new smile. We took his smile from this to this and the last picture we have is him and his girlfriend.

They are absolutely amazed. They don’t owe anybody, they’re not in debt, he’s having more parties, I think he’s a better partner.

Are You Ready to Make a Choice?

I hope you can see that I’m very proud of these pictures. And I hope that what I did for them, I can do for you. You wouldn’t be online, you wouldn’t still be watching if you weren’t interested.

Doesn’t matter if you’re male, female, young or old, we have a smile that we can work with you on.

I can do it without you going to a cosmetic dentist. If you want to improve your smile, come see us. We have a financing company; they can get you started. Every one of these smiles could have been done for $149 down.

Come see me at Brighter Image Lab. Let’s see if we can change your smile with easy, easy low payments. When it comes to improving peoples’ smiles, no one has done more before and after smile makeovers than me. We already have done over 70,000. This year we’ll reach the 100,000 mark on before and after smile makeovers.

If We Did it for Them, We Can Do it for You

If we’ve done this kind of work for just a few people, you should go online and see hundreds and hundreds of more cases. My name’s Bil Watson, I’m a smile designer for Brighter Image Lab, and I hope you know, now you have a choice.

Come see me and let me see what we can do to improve your smile. Come see me now at BrighterImageLab.com. I’ll see you next week. This has been a different VLOG this week, but it’s one that I’m proud of and it’s one I’ve wanted to do for a while.

Thank you for looking at my before and after smile makeovers, and I’ll see you soon. Thank you guys.

Learn more at brighterimagelab.com

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Press On Veneers

Our classic, beautifully designed, 100% Digitally Processed, Removable Veneers.

$ 795
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Our Master Crafted Veneers. Redesigned from the ground up to be Thinner, More Detailed, and Stronger than ever before.

$ 995

IncrediBil Veneers

The newest addition to our family of veneers features unique light reflecting properties.

$ 1,495

These before and after smile makeovers took place all around the world, but you can get one in: Guangzhou, Shanghai, Chongqing, Beijing, Hangzhou, Tianjin, Xi’an, China; Taipei, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Tokyo, Yokohama, Osaka, Nagoya, Sapporo, Kobe, Kyoto, Fukuoka, Kawasaki, Saitama, Japan; Mumbai, Delhi, Bangalore, Hyderabad, Ahmedabad, Chennal, Kolkata, Surat, India; Jakarta, Surabaya, Bandung, Indonesia; Manila, Quezon City, Davao, Malingao, Cebu City, Taguig, Pasig City, Philippines, and most areas in Asia and the Pacific Islands.

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Behind The Scenes footage of Bil with 2 Brighter Image clients
Behind The Scenes footage of Bil with a Brighter Image client

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          How Does This Work?

          Brighter Image Lab provides life-changing smile makeovers to thousands of clients every year.

          We also partner with a non-profit named New Life Smile who matches people like you, with public and private funding sources to hopefully cover a portion (if not ALL) of your smile makeover costs. We’re ready to help right now!

          We’ve already given away free smiles to people in your area and we’re ready to do a lot more!

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