Brighter Image Lab tackles a Challenge Smile Makeover
Crystal’s smile was a challenge smile makeover. We weren’t sure we could pull it off. Watch to find out if we can create Crystal a smile she can be proud of.
I’m Crystal Driggins, a mother of three. I am married, a hairstylist, and I enjoyed being around people.
I’m typically, you know, a laughing person, very joyous, but I do find my little dark spots where I’m sad. When I do see myself in the mirror, when I’m alone, and I’m like okay this is not who you used to be.
Crystal’s Story
I want to tell somebody my story and let them know to keep trying (for a challenge smile makeover), it’s out there.
It’s six o’clock in the morning. It’s been a while. I normally come in a little bit later because I work later.
A Challenging Makeover in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
This week we’re doing a challenge smile makeover that takes us all the way to the city of Philadelphia, on one of its toughest sides, and it makes sense because this is one of the toughest cases we’ve ever done.
The challenge smile makeover was so strong in this case that we actually turned it down twice, but this client was pretty persistent. We got an opening in our schedule and the next thing you know we’re flying to Philadelphia.
Go ahead and follow us through. Let’s see how this challenge smile makeover turns out. We think you’ll be pretty impressed.
From Dallas/Fort Worth to Philadelphia
Dallas Fort Worth is there, we’re going to Philadelphia. I’ve never been there.
Hey guys, we’re about five minutes from landing. We’re almost there and so the mornings going pretty well. They’ve got me sitting at the back of the plane, definitely kind of crazy, but at least we got on.
We’ll see how the rest of the day goes.
Meeting Crystal
Hi my name’s Bil.
Hi Bil!
Now, I read your story, and we get it. We know what it’s like. People take chances, and then they put themselves last. You got three boys? I’m betting if something happened to one of your boys, you would work hard on getting in the solution earlier.
And I can tell from looking at you light up like a Christmas tree when you talk about your kids. I hope you like your husband too. Is he a good guy?
I do! He is, he really is. It’s not, you know, it’s not easy with boys, and you know I was…My daddy’s always say to me, “Your job is to go to school, get good grades, and get out of my house.” And I say the same thing to them.
The Challenge Smile Makeover
What happened to your tooth?
I don’t even really know how it got like this. What do I mean? I used to go to dentist regularly, but I don’t really now because it’s so painful to go. Because they have to do all this so what I was told is is that I had um like bone loss or something.
I’ve been in teeth whitening since 1999.
Finding Brighter Image Lab
I can tell you who’s got clean teeth and who doesn’t. It’s not self-inflicted. How’d you hear about me? How do you know about us?
I went online. I just kept looking up, scrolling and scrolling, and then I saw this girl’s video. She don’t, she was sitting at her vanity and she says, “I know you think that I’m not,” and she showed all her teeth. So then when she put on this thing, and I was like what the hell is that? You know turning it up, making it bigger so I can see what she’s talking about, and it was you guys.
Of course, I got excited, I’m screaming a little bit. Everybody wants to know what the heck? You don’t mom, you know, whatever.
A Great Impression
Let’s try and see what we can do? I say we just get started. I will tell you though, I have your impressions.
Thank God.
And they are the best impressions and you got two that were really good. Which is another reason why I was able to take a risk, because they’re both very consistent with each other.
We Design Challenging Smile Makeovers
You’re right, what I would tell people that they don’t understand, or they’ll know I think we might need to do better at is we’re designers. We just design it (challenge smile makeovers), and then the second thing is that they always start the job that we finish.
In other words they’re actually the contractor. There is a foundation pourer, you know, if you’re going to put a scaffold or framing or anything, if the foundation is out of whack, everything is going to be out of whack.
They don’t actually…
Mutual Responsibility For a Challenging Makeover
And it’s a responsibility that we share mutually, but it is definitely mutual. They don’t take enough time to give us a good impression, and they said…They just results in re-dos and delay times and stuff.
I would probably do better at explaining that a designer is only going to work off its foundation, and because we don’t guarantee a fit, I mean it was guaranteeing satisfaction. Yeah, we just don’t, but what we do tell them is we’ll keep working with them because once you design we take the a few hours to design (a challenge smile makeover).
Then we work with these really small measurements and stuff and they get tough. So, but anyway you gave me a really good impression. We’re able to work real good on models. Boom.
Revealing the Veneers
They come like this.
My stomach hurts. I’m ok, but that’s what my sisters teeth look like. Just like that. Like I said, she, just her smiles looks just like that.
A lot of expectations go into this, but we’ll see.
Right, it’s okay.
Either way.
Let’s open it up and see what it looks like. Let’s hope for the best.
Oh my God, I look like my sister.
My God, is that good or bad?
It’s not bad at all. No, I have to show you my sister! Oh my gosh, it sounds like Chris, you look just like me. Ooh my God, oh my God I gotta brush my teeth. My God, I like it.
When they go from where the gum was to here, we have a natural smile, and they look perfect. I hope your sisters a good girl.
She, oh gosh, she really is.
This Smile Makeover Looks Like Porcelain Veneers
There’s not anybody sitting in your chair is going to say those aren’t porcelain veneers. I hand-worked it so little bitty. In fact I don’t ever bring tools with me but I’ve got a drill today in case I can see one little imperfection and because it’s just there’s so little small margins.
I did sharpen up the eye teeth for you…
That sounds good.
…and the reason being is because it’s kind of a trend.
I need my glasses cause I’m gonna feel like a star.
Oh, you gotta feel good.
I am, I do.
How long has it been since your son…hasn’t seen?
Oh my God, hey now!
What are you gonna say when they see mom’s teeth?
They think,”You’re crazy lady!” and be like sure am!
If they have any higher expectations they would have said it would have taken us cutting them, cutting them off.
A Powerful Lady
Yeah, you really don’t know me yet. I’m not like that. Let me tell you something, I always say when people say oh yeah that person did XYZ to me. In a way, yeah, you give away your power. You gave that person way too much, and I’m a firm believer of that.
If you allow somebody to bring you down that’s what you’re gonna do period. Because it is something that I believe in, ask for. I feel like my husband and my kids were like your crazy mother, you want to do that? Like, yeah, I needed to do it for me, you know?
Can I ask you something though? Because I think you know you’ve got all these features, you got a pretty big spirit. It’s anybody who knows you, and I’m just trying to be honest Crystal, it’s not fair. It’s not fair because you don’t get to be who you ought to be.
No Prior Contact
I know it’s going to take you your biggest exercise between now and the time you go, is to learn how to look at people and smile. I think another thing I’d like to tell people is we didn’t meet before today?
And I didn’t talk to you before?
And you never tried these on?
No, not at all.
And we didn’t try them on before the camera?
Not at all. The first time we took them out brand new, this is it.
Then here in the light that we have now and I’m seeing them, and they look like porcelain veneers.
One of the Most Challenging Smile Makeovers
I know whether or not we did. I know what I can be proud of, especially considering it’s probably the most challenging cases (challenge smile makeover) that we’ve done. Over here I think the conversation was we’ve already notified her that we’re just not going to be able to make the kind of job that we can put our name on.
Right and that’s somebody did convey that to me so you know what, I like that.
Then I think what happened is, a month later I get a phone call says, “Kenna, can you just send me whatever the hell’s in that bag, because if it’s 50% better than what I got now…”
I did, I asked I said please don’t hang up I need to you know, you need to hear this, I just need you to understand it. I, whatever you guys had I will try it.
Incredibly impressive look at them again.
I know! I’m just like wow. okay.
Crystal’s Press On Veneers Look Amazing
Can I hold it? I’m gonna show you something, because you’re seeing the light down. If you look it up and see what I see. Come to me.
I do.
I would like you hold your head up, and they look amazing!
They do! Oh my GOD! They do!
The Wrap Up
Why is always the best lighting in the men’s bathroom at the airport? We’re on our way back. It’s way late super late, but I can’t imagine it going any better. I had a really great time. We got some good pictures, I think. We took some good video and met a lady that was amazing.
After talking to her, I can tell that she’s spent a big portion of her life making sure that she does for people what we did for her. The lady I met today changed me. She made Philadelphia make an impression on me, and I’ll never forget Philadelphia. It’s one of the best cities in the country.
Brotherly Love for Philly
We saw some pretty cool places. We even got to see the Naval Shipyard, which is pretty cool. I will tell you, though, one of the things that we always feel like is light attracts light, and she’s just a good person to work with.
I always tell people that, you know, the smiles we make aren’t really to make them have amazing smiles. It’s just to make an amazing person when they’re smiling. I don’t know if thevideo will catch it, but I know if you were in that room you’d go, wow! We just did something.
Changing Lives by Changing Smiles
Our team did something good today. We came to Philadelphia to change the lady’s life. It was a super challenging case. I didn’t know if it was going to go, in fact we backed out twice and fortunately because some of our recent technology, we got a little bit of confidence and said well maybe it’ll work now.
And we were we were right. I can’t wait to go to our team and say let’s let’s broaden the horizon. Let’s not just pick the easy ones, or the for sure ones. Hopefully every week you’ll see us do one more people that it changes their smile and their challenge smile makeover goes on to change their life.
And as this one paid off big time, and from what I’ve seen that was really amazed and I think she went home a different person. I think that spirit is going to be contagious, and I hope that it’s one of those things that brings good to her family.
Sometimes you have to work, and sometimes you get to work, and today I was glad to get to work. Any day that you think you made a difference, you count it as a good day.
Today Was A Good Day
Man I think today was a good day.
Philadelphia means a lot to me. I can see and feel why they call it the City of Brotherly Love. I’m always glad to see her be on the other side of the chair. For once it worked out pretty good. All in all, Philadelphia all I can do is thank you so much!
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This challenge smile makeover happened in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. We also hear stories from clients needing a challenge smile makeover in areas like: Pittsburgh, PA, Reading, PA, Trenton, NJ, Wilmington, DE, Allentown, PA, New York, NY, Baltimore, MD, Washington, DC, Harrisburg, PA, Hershey, PA, Lancaster, PA, York, PA, Alexandria, VA, Lebanon, PA, Hanover, PA, Stamford, CT, Bridgeport, CT, New Haven, CT, Long Island, NY, Atlantic City, NJ, Dover, DE, Vineland, NJ, Ocean City, NJ, Brick, NJ, Towson, MD, Wilkes-Barre, PA, and Scranton, PA