Have you received excessive treatment, unnecessary fillings, or numerous X-Rays? If so, you are probably a victim of creative diagnosis.
Creative diagnosis is the act of performing unnecessary treatment for financial gain. It is the most common form of dental fraud. The American Dental Association recognizes this scam as a trend ravaging the dental community.
Dentists everywhere are inventing diagnosis for profit. They are targeting children and vulnerable adults by misdiagnosing cavities and other dental issues. They are using their power to perform unnecessary procedures and steal from innocent patients. This is wrong!
Luckily, there are a few steps you can take to protect yourself from creative diagnosis.

10 Steps to Protect Yourself from Being a Victim of Creative Diagnosis
1.) Beware of Excessive Treatment
We’ve all been told since childhood that we should see a dentist twice a year for basic cleanings.
Today, an increasing number of dentists acknowledge that adults with good oral hygiene only need to see a dentist once every 12 to 16 months.
Don’t let your dentist overtreat you. Unnecessary appointments are a waste of time and money. Also, beware of unnecessary crowns, root canals, sealants and fluoride treatments.
If you have a generally healthy mouth and a dentist suddenly says you need thousands of dollars’ worth of treatment, you’re probably getting scammed.
2.) See for Yourself
Nonexistent cavities are one of the biggest scams in the dental industry. Dentists everywhere are using creative diagnosis to irresponsibly fill perfectly healthy teeth.
So, if you have a typically clean bill of health when visiting the dentist but are diagnosed with a suspicious number of cavities, be proactive.
Ask your dentist to show you the cavity. See for yourself!
3.) Be Cautious of Misinformation
Dentists across the country are spreading lies about dental health to line their pockets. For example, dental offices will tell you that your amalgam fillings need to be replaced. They may say it is because the mercury in the material poses a risk to your health. There is no scientific evidence to back this claim. In fact, amalgam is strong, low-cost and is useful in most patients.
Don’t leave yourself vulnerable to manipulation and misinformation, be aware of the facts.
4.) Avoid Excessive X-Rays
Dentists will claim law prevents them from treating patients without first conducting an X-Ray. This is a lie.
The ADA states average dental patients only need one set of dental X-Rays every two years. It is important to monitor your dentist in this area because of the risk associated with radiation.
Dental X-Rays have been the fastest growing source of human exposure to low dose ionizing radiation over the past three decades. This type of exposure results in thyroid cancer and brain tumors. It is the most common source of diagnostic radiation exposure to the public.
5.) Get a Second Opinion
X-rays are legally your property, and your dentist is required to turn them over to you to bring to other dentists. So, if you receive a suspicious diagnosis, get a second opinion!
Deep teeth cleaning, for example, is a commonly cited red flag in cases of creative diagnosis.
This procedure is typically reserved for patients who experience frequent gum infections or have periodontal issues. If you do not experience either of these symptoms, odds are you’re being taken advantage of.
Don’t let your dentist pressure you into an expensive deep cleaning, which can cost upwards of $800, and is typically not covered by dental insurance.
Take your X-Rays to another dental office and get a second opinion.
6.) Don’t be Fooled by Attractive Specials
Legitimate dentists will tell you to be wary of practices that use low-cost specials as a cheap ploy to get patients in the door. Don’t be fooled!
Giving into these cheap sales tactics puts you at risk of becoming a victim of creative diagnosis.
7.) Don’t Give into Pressure
Beware of dentists who pressure you to act quickly, or ones who refuse to supply evidence the procedure you are receiving is medically necessary.
If you don’t have any oral pain or can’t see evidence of a problem, don’t be pressured to have it fixed right away. Your dental professional could be using creative diagnosis to con you out of money and cost you undo pain or discomfort.
Ask questions, see for yourself, and stand your ground. If you feel like you’re not getting all of the information, you’re probably right.
8.) Find an Alternative
Matthew L. Logan, D.D.S. says, “if you wouldn’t recommend it to your mother, then don’t recommend it to your patients.” Unfortunately, not many dentists live by this moto.
The crisis of creative diagnosis puts adults and children at risk every day, despite the concern of ethical dental professionals like Logan who call for change. In Logan’s own words: “Someone needs to stand up and stop this blatant violation of trust.” Here at Brighter Image, that is exactly what we’re doing. We are standing up to dentists who think they own the everyday smile. We’re standing up for you.
Brighter Image Lab offers dental tools to the public, allowing customers to reclaim their smile without a dentist.
9.) Do Your Own Teeth Whitening/Polishing
NEWS FLASH: You don’t need a dental degree to whiten or polish your teeth, you just need the tools!
Our unique and easy-to-use products offer an alternative to people who want to improve their smile without the hassle of untrustworthy dentists.
Micro Surface Polishing is a key component of preventative oral care. With the Bilistic Polisher you can do this without a dentist, from the comfort of your home.
Our Bilistic Pure Bleach Gel and Bilistic Polisher offer a cheap and easy-to-use alternative to those looking to brighten their smile. The unblended, uncompromised formula delivers consistently impressive results without a dentist.
Spare yourself the risk of becoming a victim of creative diagnosis. Order our Bilistic Pure Bleach Gel and Bilistic Polisher today and brighten your smile at home!
10.) Take Your Smile into Your Own Hands
For decades people have believed that dentists are essential to maintaining a beautiful smile. This is false. You don’t need cosmetic dentistry, just the dental tools.
Brighter Image Lab brings dental tools out of the dentist office and puts them in the hands of everyday people. Whether it’s polishing, whitening, or simply cleaning your teeth, Brighter Image Labs has a solution for you.
Visit today and take your smile into your own hands!
If you have received excessive treatment, unnecessary fillings, or numerous X-Rays, you might be a victim of creative diagnosis.
Creative diagnosis is the act of performing unnecessary treatment for financial gain and is the most common way for dentists to commit dental fraud.
Performing unnecessary procedures for profit is theft, plain and simple.
Dentists are inventing diagnosis, targeting children and vulnerable adults for financial gain. This is disgusting and a slap in the face to hard working Americans just looking to smile again.
Don’t become a victim of dental fraud. Follow our 10 step system and protect yourself from the greed of modern dentistry and creative diagnosis.