Brighter Image Lab Gives an Extreme Makeover with New Life Smile and The Results are Amazing.
Watch this video to see an extreme makeover that shows why changing your smile, with Brighter Image Lab, can change your life.
Stacy’s Story: An Extreme Makeover
Oh Wow! Is that Stacy? Oh my goodness. So beautiful! That is amazing! Yes, that’s what you needed, sweetie. I like that. Isn’t that beautiful? Tell them I said thank you.
This day started when we arrived at the salon, because today we needed to do a special makeover. This story starts with a girl named Stacy. Stacy is twenty-seven years old. She’s a single mother of two and believe it or not she used to be a cheerleader.
An Extreme Makeover for a New Life
Stacy asked us for a new smile, but our plans were to give her a new life smile. Getting started, it was obvious Stacy was very embarrassed to smile. Because when your smile’s this bad, you don’t want to show it to anybody.
And we understood that and my friends at Honeycomb Salon, they knew it too.
She doesn’t want to lose her length. See you in a little bit. Sounds good, be right back.
We knew that if we were going to bring this girl back, we were going to have to get her to see herself the way she used to be. That was going to take a haircut, some color, and a little bit of style.
And as skeptical as she was, believing all of this was going to be a big waste of time, I actually started seeing Stacy warm up. I could tell she was actually starting to feel it. By the time we got to makeup, she was almost ready to smile.
Extreme Emotions
And we knew we were getting close. But with just one look in the mirror, she lost it. That’s when I stepped in and said, “Whoa, hold on, trust me. This is why we’re here. The reason why we’re here with you.”
Let’s try these in. And within a few minutes, she was smiling like she had never smiled before. Just as happy as she could be and her new smile made all the difference in the world. And we could see Stacy was going to have a new life.
She Can’t Stop Smiling
For the rest of the day, Stacy could just not stop smiling. After looking at Stacy’s before-and-after smile makeover pictures, we just couldn’t imagine her ever going back to her old self.
Look at that, look at that pretty smile. Yeah look at that! I am so happy.
Me too.
I could cry, ’cause that’s my girl.
Don’t, ’cause then I’ll cry. I’ll see y’all later, okay?
Bye bye!
Tell them I said, “Thank you!”
At Brighter Image Lab, we know it’s not about your smile. It’s about who you are when you’re smiling.
Learn more at about our extreme makeovers for bad smiles!
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This extreme makeover took place in Fort Worth, but we can help you get a new smile all over the world in places like: Guangzhou, Shanghai, Chongqing, Beijing, Hangzhou, Tianjin, Xi’an, China; Taipei, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Tokyo, Yokohama, Osaka, Nagoya, Sapporo, Kobe, Kyoto, Fukuoka, Kawasaki, Saitama, Japan; Mumbai, Delhi, Bangalore, Hyderabad, Ahmedabad, Chennal, Kolkata, Surat, India; Jakarta, Surabaya, Bandung, Indonesia; Manila, Quezon City, Davao, Malingao, Cebu City, Taguig, Pasig City, Philippines, and most areas in Asia and the Pacific Islands.