Cheap Tijuana Dental Veneers or 3 Amazing Alternatives?

Tijuana Dental Veneers Changes Brighter Image Lab

Tijuana Dental Veneers led to the creation of Press-On Veneers and saved many clients some money in the process.

In 2008, the Great Recession forced businesses across the country to adapt or perish. Hitting every market from real estate to web design, small businesses were particularly vulnerable to the economic downturn. As a result, millions tightened their belts and redefined what constituted “necessities”. Because people began to understand the effects of the new status quo, pivotal changes became necessary. The area of dentistry took a hit during this period—as did every other facet of business.

Tijuana Dental Veneers

High dental costs have many heading to Tijuana for dental veneers

During one evening walk, Bil Watson of Brighter Image Lab got into a conversation with a fellow dog walker. It opened his eyes to an unfilled need for people who did not have the funds to fix their smiles. The critically tough economic times in the United States were affecting nearly everyone. Complimenting her beautiful smile, the woman shared that she had just returned from getting Tijuana Dental Veneers in Mexico. She underwent the final half of a two-part treatment plan. Thrilled, she elaborated on the effects of what she viewed as elite Tijuana dental veneers.

Tijuana Dental Veneers Changes Woman’s Life

She obviously loved them and was ebullient in her praise of the dentist office in Mexico. He helped her afford the Tijuana dental veneers. She would never have been able to afford them in the United States. Bil asked what other options were available if she hadn’t gone to Mexico to get Tijuana dental veneers.

“None,” she replied. As a single woman on a fixed income, she truly believed that a future with bad teeth was going to be her only option before she found a reliable dentist in Tijuana. In that conversation, Bil understood the lengths people will go to in order to gain a nice smile. That encounter resonated with him. Consequently, Bil worked to bring affordable teeth whitening to the public. He now understood that people needed more than just a whiter smile. Researching options, Bil understood what this woman tried to impart.

There simply were no good dental choices beyond traditional veneers or bulky, unattractive clip on smiles. Many people hesitated at more than just the cost—though the $10,000.00-$15,000.00 price tag was staggering enough. The client feedback for dental veneers included warnings regarding breakage and grinding nightmares. Accounts surfaced of fiascos with dentists literally unprepared to apply veneers. People were looking for a way to get a nice smile for a reasonable price. Most just to wear for events like a high school reunion, without grinding their teeth down to nothing.

Tijuana Dental Veneers Inspires Press-On Veneers

Bil strongly believed that the wave of new technologies held the answer for these people. He felt a critical gap existed between dentistry and the call for a self-help product offering cosmetic smile enhancement.

Bil leveraged technology to help people achieve their desired smile. He did this without altering their teeth like dentistry. This vision produced Press-On Veneers and spurred Brighter Image Lab to create a thin, removable, reversible cosmetic veneer. It didn’t happen overnight, though.

No one had ever set out to go about in this way. His business model firmly committed to a perfect product that didn’t look or feel like fake teeth. It also needed a price that would be affordable for everyone who just wanted the appearance of a nice smile. However, the entire design relied on the use of technology, rather than affordable cosmetic dentistry, in its design and implementation. Technology had replaced operators, salespeople, and filing cabinets.

Hence, Bil knew that technology could tackle a smile makeover as well. For two years, he worked to find technology and software for a product which was nothing more than a concept.

Press-On Veneers, from concept to creation

Like a sculptor with the vision to see the form trapped inside the marble, Bil knew the answer was there. He struggled against the naysayers, forcing the technology and software into a new arena of smile enhancement.

More than anything, urgent requests from potential clients drove him to continue trying to find a way. The cavalier attitude towards people who did not have the means to fix their teeth had taken its toll. People already labored under the weight of the recession. With money getting tighter, potential clients were waiting in line for anything that could help them compete for jobs.

They needed a nice smile which would allow them to get back to work. In the end, it wasn’t good fortune or luck that led to the Press On Veneer. Bil toiled seven-days-a-week, divided into 10-4 and 8-2 am, until he found the solution. The core philosophy is creating a revolutionary product meeting the needs of people with no other choice.

This drives staff at Brighter Image Lab to continue to make removable veneers better with each technology advancement. Trust, appreciation, and innovation have made a beautiful smile available to everyone visiting Clients worldwide learn how easy it is to have the smile you want affordably, and without flying to Tijuana, Mexico.

Order PressOn Veneers from Brighter Image Lab

Press On Veneers

Our classic, beautifully designed, 100% Digitally Processed, Removable Veneers.

$ 795
Order BilVeneers from Brighter Image Lab


Our Master Crafted Veneers. Redesigned from the ground up to be Thinner, More Detailed, and Stronger than ever before.

$ 995

IncrediBil Veneers

The newest addition to our family of veneers features unique light reflecting properties.

$ 1,495

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Behind The Scenes footage of IncrediBil Veneers
Behind The Scenes footage of Bil with 2 Brighter Image clients
Behind The Scenes footage of Bil with a Brighter Image client

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    Bil Veneers

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        I hereby authorize the use of my likeness and/or story for any and all purposes. I agree that Brighter Image Lab will not be held liable for any loss, damages of injury associated with applying for, accepting, or using their new smile. I agree that Brighter Image Lab retains the right to make any and all decisions as to the nature of the products or services being rendered and/or to cancel any agreement or work being done for any reason whatsoever. By submitting this form, I confirm I have read and agree to all of the terms & conditions.

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          I hereby authorize the use of my likeness and/or story for any and all purposes. I agree that Brighter Image Lab will not be held liable for any loss, damages of injury associated with applying for, accepting, or using their new smile. I agree that Brighter Image Lab retains the right to make any and all decisions as to the nature of the products or services being rendered and/or to cancel any agreement or work being done for any reason whatsoever. By submitting this form, I confirm I have read and agree to all of the terms & conditions.

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          How Does This Work?

          Brighter Image Lab provides life-changing smile makeovers to thousands of clients every year.

          We also partner with a non-profit named New Life Smile who matches people like you, with public and private funding sources to hopefully cover a portion (if not ALL) of your smile makeover costs. We’re ready to help right now!

          We’ve already given away free smiles to people in your area and we’re ready to do a lot more!

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          Need feedback on whether dental veneers are right for you? You can upload photos here.