Get Whiter Faster with Dental Veneers by Brighter Image Lab

Teeth whitening is a common practice for those hoping to improve their smile. However, with so many options available today, it’s hard to know which one is the best. Dental veneers may be the way to go! Tooth sensitivity, patchy whitening, yellow, brown, or white streaks – these are just some issues that people may […]
Teeth Whitening For Veneers – The Perfect Solution For A Perfect Smile

If you’re looking for an easy solution to achieve a perfect set of pearly whites, then dental veneers might be the solution you’re looking for. For a more lasting solution, veneers are suggested as they are “the best low maintenance and stain resistant way to permanently whiten teeth.” Dental veneers are low maintenance and provide […]
Say Goodbye to Coffee Stains with Brighter Image Lab’s Bilistic Teeth Whitening System

Coffee lovers, this one’s for you! About 70 percent of people in the United States drink coffee every morning according to So, we all know that feeling of waking up in the morning and getting that fresh cup of coffee to start the day. But have you ever noticed that your teeth are not […]
BIL Veneers and What Honest Clients are Saying

The Nerve-Wracking Pain of the Dentist BIL Veneers are one of Brighter Image Lab’s most popular products, but many people are unsure about this amazing smile alternative to traditional cosmetic dentistry. Going to a cosmetic dentist can be nerve-wracking. You could be paying thousands of dollars, and spend hours in an uncomfortable chair. Who wants […]
Dental Flipper Alternative Can Make You Look 20 Years Younger

Introduction At Brighter Image Lab, we have helped hundreds of thousands of people enhance their smiles. Many of these people chose dental veneers to replace a dental flipper or partial. One client named Jamie had a dental flipper that was discolored. When he came to us earlier this year for a Father’s Day smile transformation, […]
Brighter Image Lab Q And A With Bil Watson

Introduction: Brighter Image Lab Q and A At Brighter Image Lab, we are always interested in helping people learn more about our products and services, so a few weeks ago we asked for all of your burning Brighter Image Lab Q and A. Today, we’re here to answer them. In the video below, Bil Watson […]
E-Commerce Working for Smile Makeovers

Introduction In the past, the dental industry has relied on in-office visits to service patients. Today, the industry has adapted to serving patients remotely. While this transition has posed its challenges, it has also provided a host of opportunities for those who are creative enough to provide e-commerce solutions. Many who have evolved to provide […]
Dental Fraud: Are You and Your Teeth Being Robbed?

Introduction Dentists across the country are committing fraud by performing unnecessary dental procedures to line their pockets. Whether or not you realize it, there is a chance you have been a victim of dental fraud at some point in your life. You may have been misinformed, fallen victim to tactful sales pitches, or even undergone an […]
New Press On Veneers Amazon Scam – Only Buy Genuine Veneers

Here’s How to Buy the BEST Press On Veneers from Amazon and other online retailers What you see… Is NOT always what you get. Anyone who has shopped online most likely has a horror story of the shocking (and most likely disappointing) product that showed up at their door. If you’ve ever had a “THAT […]
Cancer Patients, Rest Easy with 1 Simple Smile Solution

Introduction Anyone who’s had cancer, or known someone to have cancer, know most the physical effects of radiation and chemotherapy treatment. Hair and weight loss are common. So is nausea, vomiting, fatigue, and many others. But cancer treatments can also affect oral health and wellness. Tooth decay, and oral lesions are seen most often in […]